Category: PHP
Operators in PHP
1. Introduction Operators allow us to perform certain operations with values, arrays, and variables. There are several different types of operators. In PHP 7, two new operators were introduced – null coalescing and spaceship operator. We have covered them as well. Let’s see different types of operators: 2. Arithmetic Operators + — Addition – — Subtraction…
String manipulation in PHP
1. Introduction In the last article in this series, we learned about arrays. In this article, we will learn about strings in PHP. String is a collection or sequence of characters. “Bootsity” is an example of string. Now, let’s learn more about strings. 2. Defining Strings In PHP, we can define string in multiple ways.…
Working with Arrays in PHP
1. Introduction An array stores multiple values of similar types in one single variable. Assume a scenario in which you want to store names of all the planets in our solar system. To store them you will need eight variables and your program will look bad. Now assume that you need to store all planets…
All about variables and constants
1. Introduction In the first post of this series, we learned how to write a hello world program in PHP. In this second post, we are exploring about variables and constants in PHP. In simple terms, variables are storage areas in which we store data. In the storage areas of variables data may “variate” means…
The hello world program in PHP
1. Overview We start learning any programming language, with the famous hello world! program. This tradition is followed religiously since the inception of software programming, and we are happy that we will support it too. We will learn the basics of PHP in this series, named “PHP – Back to basics.” Let’s start with the…
What’s new in PHP 7.2
1. Overview In this article, we’ll learn about the new and interesting features in PHP 7.2 Release 7.2 of PHP was done in November, 2018. It included mostly core language, security and performance improvemnts . We’ll talk about these one by one. You can also have a look on PHP RFC page for all the…